
An Introduction to the HARMAN Ignite Store​

​​The importance of services post a vehicle’s shipping date in the automotive industry is growing. This opens up significant avenues for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to increase the lifetime value of their vehicles. 

A survey of automotive executives highlighted the shifting landscape:

  • 85% of executives believe the digital ecosystem will generate higher revenues than the hardware of the car
  • 83% predict a major business model disruption within the next five years
  • ​82% agree that a car requires its own digital ecosystem

This evolving landscape presents both a unique opportunity and a challenge for OEMs: how to effectively capitalize on digital services after the Start of Production (SOP) to enhance the vehicle's lifetime value.

The need for an ecosystem solution​

To achieve this goal, a robust ecosystem solution is essential - one that removes barriers to the introduction of innovative third-party services. These services must be vehicle-specific and seamlessly integrate with the core capabilities of the head unit, such as navigation and voice assistant systems. Additionally, they must comply with distracted driving guidelines, which can vary by OEM and market. ​

HARMAN Ignite Store: A comprehensive automotive solution

HARMAN Ignite Store offers a comprehensive solution designed to address the needs of an ecosystem solution. Its key features include:

​Integration of third-party apps and services

Brings a wide range of third-party applications and services to the car, enhancing the in-car experience.

Compliance with distracted driving guidelines

Ensures all services meet the necessary safety guidelines to minimize driver distraction.

OEM control

Allows OEMs to retain control over the digital ecosystem, ensuring services align with their brand and operational standards.

By leveraging the HARMAN Ignite Store, OEMs can effectively tap into the growing importance of post-shipment digital services of vehicles, maximizing their lifetime value and staying ahead in an increasingly digital automotive market.​