Create a New App Listing
As an Application developer you will be directed to create their listing and start filling in the required information as your first step.
Adding Metadata to the Developer Portal
Once the initial draft listing is seeded in the system, it's your responsibility to add the metadata that will determine how your app is presented in our store to end users.
You should prepare the content of the form which includes:
- Application Name
- Short Description
- Long Description
- Support Link or email address
- Legal Link
- Screenshots
- Feature image
- Icon (512x512)
- Category / Domain
- Countries
- Additional Information (i.e. credentials for test accounts)
The information above must be inputted into the system for at least the default language they specified when creating the listing. Metadata must be inputted for every language the developer wants to display their app in (note: this is separate from the languages the APK itself supports).
In the screenshot above, it should be noted that the targeting for an application must also be specified during submission.
- Countries: you should specify all countries their app supports and is allowed to operate in.
- Head Unit Model and Make/Model/Year: For most developers, this list will operate as a black list, only modified from the default when there are specific vehicle head units or vehicle models that are known to not work with your app.
- CPU Type: this information is extracted directly from your application APK. Most apps will work with any CPU, but some applications will only work with certain CPUs based on what native libraries they've included in.
Beta Testing
Beta tester features in Ignite Store are still under development. As we roll out beta testing, reference AOSP emulator and/or beta-compatible store APKs will be provided to the developers and their designated beta-testers. The specially signed version of the beta test Store APKs will be capable of distribution of apps that are tagged as under beta-testing only.
Once the form is complete, you will be able to submit your listing the certification process will begin.
If your application requires a user account to use, then credentials that can be used by multiple Harman certifiers must be provided in the "Additional Information" field. The credentials should be representative of a user with access to the apps full feature set.